Sunday, September 6, 2009


So this past week has been a busy week here. We have started some renovating here, starting with the roof. This work sucks!!! MASTER has decided that roofing is not a career path he wants to persue...
We have got to the doctors twice this past week...once for Dani's headbutting attempt of the bathtub, and Troy boys reaction to a bug bite....he is looking like Qausi motto....SANCTUARY!!!!!
I have included pics of the eyes, and one of the Mud bath the kids had the other day.
We are getting ready to start school this next week (NOT SOON ENOUGH), and my little girl is going to Kiddy much fun, and Ian is in Second grade, holy cow!!!!!
Cats are getting bigger and Heather just had here 33rd Bday....she is old.

Mud Bath


I want to be a pirate Mommy!!!!

Bath Tub+Head+Lots of Soap=PAIN


1 comment:

Troy and Emily said...

Oh my gosh! Those poor kids. I hope they are doing ok now and enjoying school!